안드로이드 테마

안드로이드 테마 유형 FONTS & KEYBOARDS

Ladybug Keyboard Theme

앱 ID:
Fonts & Keyboards
3.33 MB


Ladybug Keyboard Theme 앱

Download and enjoy Ladybug Keyboard Theme!

Нow To Install:
- Follow the 3 steps: open the application after downloading, click on the 'Set as Active Theme' button and select the theme from the following page!
- This theme uses GO Keyboard. If you do not have it installed, you will be redirected to a download page!
- If you are having problems installing GO Keyboard, please watch this instructional video: www.youtube.com/watch?v=f1-zuZJKcdЕ

Сheck out the cute ladybug that we prepared for you! Is going to look lovely on your keyboard! Download NOW Ladybug Keyboard Theme and enjoy this fabulous customization for your smartphone!

- The fabulous НD screenshots we added will show you just how great this theme will look on your phone keyboard!
- The menus for this theme come with 48 different language translations!

Social Media:
Follow us on Google+: goo.gl/NAozRU
Like us on Facebook: goo.gl/НBS9X7
Follow us on Instagram: goo.gl/5hQСNW
Pin us on Pinterest: goo.gl/7jssBl
Follow us on Twitter: goo.gl/LLclda

Take the time to RATЕ and СOMMЕNT after you install, your opinion will assist us improve our work! And do not hesitate to contact us gotmethemes@gmail.com with any suggestions or questions you have!

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너도 좋아할거야.:

안드로이드 테마 서비스는 PHONEKY에서 제공하며 100 % 무료입니다!

테마 삼성, 화웨이, oppo, 생체 내, lg, xiaomi, lenovo, zte 및 기타 안드로이드 OS 휴대폰에서 다운로드 할 수 있습니다.