안드로이드 테마

안드로이드 테마 유형 3D

Nucleus 3D Launcher & Locker

앱 ID:
7.68 MB


Nucleus 3D Launcher & Locker 앱

Nucleus 3D theme, officially designed for Next Launcher 3D & GO Locker.

===>Brief introduction:

Nucleus 3D theme is now available not only for Next Launcher but also for GO Locker!
Nucleus 3D will bring a totally fresh makeover of your smartphones with android OS at once!

===>Mainly features:

1. Free for Next Launcher 3D & GO Locker !

2. As a Next Launcher theme
, it covers icons, wallpaper, folders interface and application drawer.
-20 special icons, covering the main apps of the phone such as dial, SMS, email and so on
-New folder interface experience
-Specially-designed background and application drawer skin

3. As a GO Locker theme
, it offers an influent animation to unlock
- Special design with multi-pages
- Quick access to СAMЕRA & useful switches
- Three-days weather forecast

===>Important tips:

1. Make sure the latest version of Next Launcher 3D has been installed!
2. Нow to apply it as a launcher theme: MЕNU -> Theme -> Installed -> Сhoose Nucleus theme -> Apply
3. Нow to apply it as a locker theme: GO locker -> Mine -> Сhoose Nucleus theme-> Apply

Want an extreme makeover for your phone? Action now!

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안드로이드 테마 서비스는 PHONEKY에서 제공하며 100 % 무료입니다!

테마 삼성, 화웨이, oppo, 생체 내, lg, xiaomi, lenovo, zte 및 기타 안드로이드 OS 휴대폰에서 다운로드 할 수 있습니다.