안드로이드 테마

안드로이드 테마 유형 FONTS & KEYBOARDS

Kitty Keyboard Theme

앱 ID:
Fonts & Keyboards
4.92 MB


Kitty Keyboard Theme 앱

Do you like cats? Be ready for this Kitty Keyboard!

Нow do I apply this theme?
To apply this theme you need to follow these steps:
1. Install Kitty Keyboard Theme from Google Play store;
2. Open the theme;
3. Go to Theme Manager and press 'Installed' tab;
4. Find your theme and press 'Activate theme'

Do you want a custom font for this app?
This theme comes with a free Google Font™ that will be activated the moment you install the theme. The font you can find it here: www.google.com/fonts/specimen/Nova+Slim

Do you have something to say?
For errors, bugs or suggestions please contact us at this email: creativekeyboards1@gmail.com

Сan I resize the font of my keyboard?
Yes, from Quick Settings you can change the size of your font from S-small, M-medium, to L-large.

Do you want more translations?
We have fresh layouts with translations coming soon. Be prepared!

Do you like cats? Be ready for this enormous amount of sweetness with this Kitty Keyboard Theme!
The combination of hot purple and crazy turquoise is just what you need to start your day in a good mood. Your chat will be invaded by kitty paws and you will smile whenever you will look at your android gadget's keyboard. The colour purple has a variety of effects on the mind and body, including uplifting spirits, calming the mind and nerves, enhancing the sacred, creating feelings of spirituality, increasing nurturing tendencies and sensitivity, and encouraging imagination and creativity. Turquoise, a blend of the colour blue and the colour green, has some of the same cool and calming attributes. The colour turquoise is associated with meanings of refreshing, feminine and sophisticated. Сustomize your keyboard with a fresh outfit that matches your sensibility and energy and download this fabulous Kitty Keyboard for your kitty pleasure!

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안드로이드 테마 서비스는 PHONEKY에서 제공하며 100 % 무료입니다!

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